About aspectivo AI experts

Turning Big Data into Value

With simplicity, predictability, and transparency.

aspectivo's mission

We co-create effective AI together with enterprises, keeping things as simple as possible.


Christner KI Experte

Dr. Emanuel Christner

"Although having been dealing with advanced analytics and ai strategy for many years, I'm still fascinated when large and complex data pools reveal their hidden tactical insights. And of course, I'm extremely glad if insights revealed with AI become a standard decision basis for our customers."
Erfahrene Industry Experts für Künstliche Intelligenz

Our Assets

Proven AI and Big Data Know-How. Our experts are looking back to practical experience with manifold Data Science & AI projects since 2010. Cross-Industry Experience. Together with our international partners, we have been building AI solutions in sectors such as retail, automotive, energy, marketing, and production. Your In-housing Partner. AI that is adding value in a company is great. AI that is 'adopted' and developed further by a company's employees is even greater. For this reason, we strongly believe in know-how transitioning in each of our projects.

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Passionate about AI, needing input on a tricky question, or interested in a solution? Looking forward to connecting with you!
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